Drum roll, please!

Baby #4 is expected to arrive sometime in May. Today, we had our ultrasound. We are the type who like to know the sex of the baby ahead of the delivery. Unlike #3, this baby cooperated . . . IT’s A GIRL! I should also mention that all of the other measurements and indicators the technician was looking for were normal. So as far as medical technology can tell, it seems like our youngest daughter is healthy and growing well. Praise God!


I returned all my students’ papers and turned my grades into the registrar yesterday morning. Evangeline went with me to be my helper, and she got quite a welcome reception from students and staff alike. My little foray (sp?) into teaching is over for now. Perhaps I’ll do it again some day.

Today I have so many things to do to get ready for Christmas that I have done none of them. By Monday, I hope to be into the swing of all the holiday preparations.

Happy Birthday to Mark–a day late

I meant to blog yesterday about Mark’s birthday, but I got too busy with the children preparing for our little family birthday celebration. Mark turned 35 yesterday. Since I am 2 1/2 years older than Mark, I am always happy when his birthday arrives. It marks the beginning of the half of the year where there is only 2 years difference in our ages!

If you have a moment and feel so led, surf on over to his blog, www.hornes.org/presbytermark to wish him a happy birthday.

Gender Specific

It seems our Evangeline, who is 3, is already showing signs of truly identifying with the female sex. I went into her room last night, and I noticed that her Little Tikes dressing table had been moved to a new spot in the room. I said, “Evangeline, did you move your dressing table?” She said, “Yes. I just wanted it over here.” The desire to move furniture is a sure sign of one’s womanhood (or girlhood, as the case may be).

Grist for the mill

Ok. I know. I go for days on end with no entries, and now 3 on the same night. Well, don’t get used to it. I am just in a blogging sort of mood.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about technology. About 2 weeks ago, I had an ultrasound for baby #4. The picture was so clear. At only 12 weeks gestation, it was so easy to see the baby on the screen. When I think back to Calvin’s ultrasound 7 years ago, I am amazed at how much more sophisticated the technology is today. Even 4 years ago with Evangeline, the image was not as clear. When I took the printed picture home, Calvin looked at it and said, “Is that the baby?” So if a 6-year-old can tell what he is looking at, it is obvious things have improved.

This technology thinking caused me to start remembering how computers have changed over the past 15 years. Moving from my computer-phobia in college in the mid-late 80s to absolutely requiring that we have a computer in our home only a few years later made me realize that the computer has affected my life pretty significantly.

So, I thought it would be fun to ask anyone who stops by to answer these questions:

1. When did you first own a computer?

2. When did you first have e-mail?

3. When did you first use the web?

For me the answers are: 1: 1992; 2: 1992 — prodigy; 3:1995 (But I remember Mark’s brother calling our house once in 1993 or 94 and giving me a website address for Mark. He said to keep it until we had access to a computer that we could use it on. I didn’t know what he was talking about.)


This fall, I have focused most of my reading time on freshmen compositions for the class that I teach. I have, however, started a few new books. I have hopes of finishing them in the next couple of months. My most recent addition is A House for My Name by Peter Leithart. Now, I know many of the 10 or so people who read my blog have already read this or plan to. But I still wanted to comment on it. I picked up a copy at my in-laws’ house when we were visiting last month, and the preface made me want to read the book. In this rare instance, I know the author. So when I say that reading the preface made me feel like Peter was in the room talking to me, I know it is true. All of this is to say that I think the best thing about the book is its accessibility. Peter is a really bright man. He often speaks over my head. So it is not that the content is lightweighted, but it is presented in a way that is enjoyable to read, and, therefore, easier to understand. I will say that having read Jim Jordan’s
Through New Eyes in the past (and having heard Mark teach the concepts of TNE countless times over the past 11 years) probably makes the material more familiar to me, but the tone of the book is just excellent. How nice it is to pick up a book about the Bible that is not dry, but is provacative as well as enjoyable.

Still Sick

Here it is Friday already, and Mark and I are still sick. My kind ob/gyn called in an antibiotics prescription for me on Tuesday. It has helped with the severe congestion (self-diagnosis of sinus infection obviously correct), but the coughing continues. It is only present minimally during the day, but at about 8 pm, it kicks into full gear, and the hacking goes on until the early am hours when the body finally gives into sleep from shear exhaustion of coughing for hours in a row. I am sure it will end soon, but I don’t like it in the mean time.

Nevin turns 5

Turning 5!

Today is our second child’s fifth birthday. Nevin was born on this day 5 years ago partly because it was fall break from seminary for my husband. Nevin’s delivery was induced to keep his size more manageable after big brother weighed in at 9 lbs., 3 oz. So I had some say in when he arrived. The plan was successful, and Nevin weighed in at a much more comfortable 7 lbs., 3 oz. Five years later, one would never guess that he started out 2 pounds lighter than his brother. He is a very solid little boy. He has always had sort of a linebacker look about him. Yet he is a sweet and loving child. Sometimes I get concerned about him feeling lost in the shuffle between a very outgoing older brother and a very self-confident little sister. Nevin is a bit more hesitant about things. But in the last year, he has really come into himself. He enjoys his friends at school and church. He loves playing with his siblings. And, he doesn’t cry about being left at school like he did for the entire first semester of pre-school last year. However, he is still the one of our three children who expresses the most concern when Mark and I leave them with someone else. He always wants reassurance that we will be back. He always tells us how much he missed us when we return. Overall, he seems pretty balanced. We praise God for Nevin and his very meaningful presence in our family’s life.

We headed south to the Dallas area for a presbytery meeting for Mark on Friday. We stayed until yesterday afternoon and celebrated Nevin’s birthday with grandparents and Mark’s brother and sister-in-law. The party was held at Jay’s and Tricia’s house. Tricia and Mark’s mom spent a good bit of time decorating their dining room on Friday, so the setting was quite festive. Mark’s mom also made the SUV cake, and it turned out beautifully (as practically everything Mom sets her hands to does). It was a lot of fun to see the cousins playing together and celebrating a birthday together. This is the first time this has ever been possible, so it was a nice treat. Nevin was quite surprised by all of the fuss. So, Mom and Tricia, I think it was worth it! I can’t thank them enough for making it a such a nice day for Nevin. He is the kind of child who expresses his gratefulness, and he did so often yesterday. He also enjoyed the presents, which he waited for with not-so-much patience. Our three children have enjoyed playing with all the new toys since coming back home last night. But the new lego set has to be dubbed the favorite.

We attended a community lunch today (fundraiser for the local 4-H). Nevin told everyone we met it was his birthday. He also told several of his school friends who we saw there about his great birthday party in Texas. He had a great birthday, and I think we will hear about it for months to come.

The Little Boss

The Little Boss

Yesterday, Evangeline told Nevin to do something. I don’t remember what it was. But the conversation that ensued was quite telling about Evangeline’s self-image. After hearing Evangeline’s command, Nevin replied, “You’re not the boss. Mommy’s the boss.”

Evangeline said, “But I’m the little boss.”

Musings and contemplations about trying to live a full and meaningful life