No TV Tuesdays and Thursdays

I had a brilliant stroke of genius 2 weeks ago. I instigated “No TV Tuesdays” and “No TV Thursdays” for our older kids. This came to me as a way to reduce their coma-inducing television watching that would be relatively painless because on Thursday nights, all 3 have activities outside the house. So, they get home, do homework, eat dinner, and head off to their various activities. So it really only feels like they aren’t allowed to watch TV on Tuesday nights. But the added bonus has been that they are breaking a habit. Last night (Wednesday) they came in from school and started playing a board game with Charis. They didn’t head to the TV as soon as they were through with their homework. On Tuesdays, they have been jumping on the trampoline more. The heatwave of August really had a negative impact on their veiwing habits, so I am pleased with the results of my experiment. It will continue indefinitely.

7 thoughts on “No TV Tuesdays and Thursdays”

  1. That’s a great idea – I’m glad it’s working for you. I have noticed a similar phenomenon when I limit my kids’ tech time, too … it’s like they remember their imaginations all of a sudden!

  2. Can they tape / TIVO stuff for later consumption? I would have to cry foul at anything that kept my son and I from our Tuesday night appt with Eureka on the Sci-Fi channel.

    Maybe I should Mark about that show… 😉

  3. Chris,
    We don’t have TiVo, but if we did we would consider that.

    Also, if they were watching something one of us wanted to watch with them or something we thought was good, we probably would make exceptions. But they are watching multiple episodes of Disney shows that have much to be desired.

    I saw Eureka advertised. I think Mark would like it. He just needs to find time to watch it.

  4. So how would you age rate Eureka Chris? (I was told once that Stargate was suitable–but no one told me the pilot had been made for Showtime! Pretty traumatic all round.)

  5. It’s a mix of X Files and Northern Exposure. I’m letting my 13 year old watch it with me this season and there hasn’t been anything that bugged me – but I’m not that picky about their pop culture consumption in the first place. There is no explicit language or behavior on the show, but the themes can be adult in nature revolving around relationships, etc. There was an interesting one a couple weeks ago involving religion and the conflict between faith and science,

    You’d probably want to Netflix it as following without the back story on the characters would be hard. Season 2 should be ending soon anyway. It’s a summer series on Sci-Fi. Season one was more geeky. This year they have gotten a bit soap opera-ish at times as they dig deeper into the characters. But that seems to happen with every sci-fi show…

  6. Jennifer,
    Way to go! Keep it up…

    Our practice for years has been no TV and no computer except for Fri-Sun, and the boys don’t know the difference. Life is busy enough without it – in fact, I don’t know how people fit it in!

    Between homework, playing ball, building forts, playing table games, and extra-curricular activities, there is PLENTY to do! They are rarely bored and they know by now, that if they declare they are, I will recommend either several good books they haven’t read, or chores with which I could use some help!

    I have often wondered if they will feel “out of it” at school as kids talk about pop culture, but they don’t complain about that either…

  7. Lori,

    I would like to get to where they are only watching on the weekends, but I think I need to sort of sneak up on them with it since they aren’t used to that rule. We’ll see.

    Re: being culturally out of it, my boys felt that even when I just vetoed certain programs. I think a lot of that depends on the viewing habits of the other kids they are around.

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