What is Fun?

Fun? The definition of fun is subjective as well as relative to where you are in life. For me, one thing that I’ve found fun lately is watching scenes from my new DVD of the A&E production of Pride and Prejudice that I got for Christmas. What’s even more fun is watching my husband get absorbed in the ins and outs of the movie.

5 thoughts on “What is Fun?”

  1. I think you guys are the ones who gave me Sense and Sensibility several Christmases ago, a movie which I LOVE. Earlier in the year, before I received the video, Jay had taken me to see it on my birthday, and actually liked it! Since then, it’s always amazed me how he enjoys this movie. I probably watch it once every six months or so and I am usually joined by him for various scenes throughout the showing. I think it’s very sweet.

  2. I’ve had P&P DVD on my Christmas list the past two years and no one has gotten it for me yet 🙁

    I have Sense & Sensibility on VHS, so it never gets watched and Emma on DVD (with Gwynneth Paltrow) but Jason doesn’t like it, so it never gets watched either …

  3. Jay’s not a big fan of Emma either (I think he finds it somewhat silly in comparison to S&S). Both my Austen flicks are on VHS too, and while I’d like to update them we have vhs only in the bedroom where I like to curl up and watch a cozy movie once in a blue mooon so I guess it works out ok.

  4. I like the version of Emma with GP, but it is a much more “Hollywood” production of the book than the A&E version of P&P. A&E’s P&P stayed so true to the book it takes 6 hours to watch. I also think that Sense & Sensibility with Emma Thompson (which she also produced) is much more true to the original Austen. Perhaps Jason would like P&P better. The Hollywood version of Mansfield Park was entertaining, and I liked the actress who played Fanny, but I also felt it editorialized a bit more than I like.

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