Catholic Baseball

Yes. The name of the entry is “Catholic Baseball.” Have I decided to enter the theological discussions of my husband’s world? No. I am just reporting on the newest phenomena in our lives.

The three older children are playing little league ball through the Roman Catholic parish in which we live. So far, we are really pleased with the program. The coaches are very helpful and instructive to the children on the teams, and the parents actually behave themselves like civilized human beings at the games. As if that is not different enough from our experience with small town “public” or “secular” baseball, here’s the kicker. The concession stands at all the catholic ball fields sell beer. I just have been laughing to myself about this for the last couple of weeks. I actually performed my volunteer duty in the concession stand 2 weeks ago and served the beer, and tonight at my 9-year-old’s game, my mother-in-law and I shared a Bud Light. (OK, I said “beer.” I didn’t say “great beer.” This is, after all, St Louis.)

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