Books and other stuff

The children and I headed to the library this afternoon for a little homeschool outing. We had been going once every 2 weeks or so for the first part of the year, but we had fallen out of that practice in the last 6 weeks or so. The kids were really happy to be back at the library to play the computer games and pick out some new books and one video each.

I picked up a new book to read called, In the Land of Second Chances. It is about life in a small town in Nebraska. It is sort of light and funny. I guess it appeals to me because of my nearly 4 years in rural OK. I think most midwestern small towns share characteristics, so I feel I can relate to the humor, perhaps more than the average reader–perhaps not.

Our homeschool year is coming to a close at the end of next week. We are all getting cabin fever, so I think our library trip was especially timely. If you think of it, please pray for us as we consider our schooling options for next year. We are considering making a change, but we’re not sure how it will all work out.

For summer, we have signed up for swimming lessons at the gym where the children take gymnastics. We also all have membership cards for using the pool during open swim times. So I think going to the pool will fill up much of our summer days.

Finally, I am the director of VBS at our church. After a late start, we have finally settled on a theme and curriculum. So now the real work must start with zeal. VBS is the last week in July, so I suspect planning for it will fill up a good part of my summer.

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