Long Time No Blog

Well, I guess my blogging entries have been awol for a while. In attempt to remedy this situation, I thought I would list a few things that have happened around here in the last month:

Calvin turned 8!
Evangeline had her first ballet recital.
Nevin graduated from Kindergarten.
Charis turned 1.
We’ve been searching for a “new” used van which has been interesting.
Charis started to walk–she’s not up and running completely, but she’s close.
I’m reading Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow, and finding it very convicting and helpful.
We’ve been going to at least one t-ball game per week.
God continues to be good to us (no big news, but worth keeping in mind).
Calvin has finished his first year of homeschooling (more or less).
We bought a 3 foot blow-up pool from Wal-mart that could be one of the best investments of our lives.
Evangeline is writing and illustrating her first book as we speak. She’s only 5, and she used the word “slithering” on page 2. I thought this was impressive. (By the way, I am the scribe for the book, so I am not suggesting she can already write the word “slithering.”)

Hopefully, my blogging entries will become more regular again. But it’s hard to say when so much is going on.

7 thoughts on “Long Time No Blog”

  1. I like the idea of a blow up pool. That would help us a lot! Thanks for the tip! 🙂

    I do hope your blogging picks up – I look forward to reading more of your entries!

  2. Angie,
    Thanks for stopping by–especially when you are so busy with the newest addition to your family.

  3. I agree- slithering is a great word for a five-year-old to use in a story. Of course, I haven’t spent much time with 5-year olds since my little brother passed that age 15 yrs ago!

  4. Hi Jennifer! Glad to see you back after such a looong absence!

    I remember blow-up pools from my childhood – yes, they were around in the dark ages. They were definitely a hit as were those slides…I can’t remember what they were called. A garden hose would be hooked up to a long plastic mat and the purpose of it all was to slide along on a skim of water. Oh well, it was fun when I was 8. ;-P

  5. This is what happens when we’re away without access to a computer–people blog! Would you believe the Savannah Library, where we can usually go online to catch up on our favorite blogs and check our email was closed for renovations?! What a bummer. And when we got home tonight we had over 900 email messages, mostly junk. It’s fun to read something interesting, even if you wrote it more than a week ago.

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