Good News & Other Stuff

Since I have been known to bemoan life on my blog, it seems I should also report some good news . . .

Remember this:

When Charis broke her arm on the playground at her school.  I rushed her to her pediatrician first, too see if a trip to the ER was necessary.  The pediatrician told me to take her to the ER–cost for that visit after insurance discount – $49.  So off to the ER we went.  After 8 hours, we were finished, she had a pink cast, and I was wondering how in the world we would pay for this day of fun!  Then the bills started to come–cost for the ER and after care after insurance discount–$2500.00! I started calling the several billing agencies involved in the care for this minor injury, and I told them I would pay $25 a month until it was paid.

Then in February, the principal from the school contacted me, and told me I could fill out some forms to see if the injury would be covered they their accident insurance.  I called all the billing offices again, asking for itemized bills, filled out the lengthy form, and prayed that it wasn’t a waste of my time.  Last week, I got a response.  Over $1500.00 has already been paid, and after I send in more itemized bills, it looks like it will all be covered by the school’s accident insurance!!!!! Praise God!!!!  I am so thankful for this blessing.

Other Stuff

We are really blessed by the school that our children attend.  Last week, we found out that the church that started the school and has housed the school for over 25 years has decided they can no longer afford the building they are in.  They are selling the building where the school meets, and they will not be looking for a building to accomodate the school.  This is significant because they have offered the building to the school at no cost for all these years, and it has kept the tuition very reasonable.  Our tuition for 4 children there is less than the cost for 2 at many other local Christian schools.  The school board does not want to close the school, so they are looking for a new location.  They asked that all the school families give them 60 days to investigate possibilities before we start considering other options for our children for next year.

I don’t know that we would be able to send the kids back next year even if they do find a new location.  However, this school has been a great place for our children, and we appreciate its ministry very much.  So if you think of it, please pray for this little Christian school in South St Louis County to find an affordable place to relocate and to have enough families to keep going next year.  Also, pray for the church that has supported the school for so many years.  They are entering a time of rebuilding and praying for growth.  They have given selflessly to the community through the ministry of the school, and I am praying that God will bless them for their faithful service.

8 thoughts on “Good News & Other Stuff”

  1. That’s wonderful news about the insurance coverage! And you can be sure that we are praying for the school.

    On the subject of your previous post, I’m planning to join FB one of these days (I know, you’ve been hearing that for awhile), and then we’ll see if I’m more friendly or less.

  2. Mom,

    Thanks for the prayers for the school.

    Re: Facebook, Clay joined last week. So you better get on soon so you can keep up with him!

  3. Once upon a time, a tiny Christian school in Arizona was no longer able to meet in the church where they met for years. After a stint of different grades meeting in different homes, a museum, and a restaurant banquet hall, my parents bought an old boarding house. We lived on the top floor, the school met on the bottom floor. I had access to the (small) school library 24/7, much to my delight. My mom spent so much time mopping the wooden floors of the long hallway. And my Dad stopped teaching at the school and went back to work in dentistry to pay for the building.

    Who knows how things will work out for your school. . . praying it ends up being as lovely a situation as it was for us.

  4. Thanks to all for the prayers.

    TG, thanks for the sweet story about your school. We are praying for some sort of miracle situation, so it is good to hear about others.

  5. Will continue to keep you in prayer for this situation with your school. I can’t help but wonder about other schools in a similar state of economic flux.

    By the way of side comment, I think you have a Couton there for Fmily pet. Have I got that right? Thats what i have but she is just a 10 pounder.

    Have you contacted Joyce Meyer about the need for a new site for your school?
    I just wonder with her resourceful connections in the christian community if there maybe some ideas there. Just a thought that “popped up”.

  6. Not a couton . . . a cockapoo who is a bit overweight. My husband’s brother has a couton, though.

    I am not involved in the search for a new location for the school, so I don’t know if anyone thought of Joyce Meyer or not.

    Thanks for your prayers.

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