Monthly Archives: June 2007

Some fixed points

I was raised in a devout Evangelical home. Both parents were and are sincere Christians. I “asked the Lord Jesus into my heart” at age six and was baptized at age eight.

My parents were devout and raised us to be. We never skipped church and we read about and talked about the Bible, God, and Jesus as naturally as talking about anything else.

At about age fifteen I started living in ways that were, whether I admitted it or not, incompatible with my Christian confession. About a year later I repented. This led to loads of enthusiasm which really made me endearing to all my more secular friends.

I had a Presbyterian Sunday School teacher in high school who introduce discussions of calvinism into a place that otherwise was under charismatic hegemony. (Military base / all Protestants together)

I had never heard of the concept of election before this happened. I hated the idea when I first heard about it (before backsliding mentioned above).

When I resumed walking like a Christian, I got to see the original Holiness of God films from R C Sproul where he wore a turtleneck, colorful pants, and had straight black hair. I was a monergistic TULIP calvinist (L may have taken longer but I can’t remember) by the end of the series.

I became a calvinist after I had already been accepted to attend a Wesleyan college.

I had perfect grades, won a contest to go on the space shuttle, and was a perfect delight to all my classmates in the gentle and charitable way I explained to them that I was right and they were wrong about the basics of salvation.


I can’t see my blog.  It is simply blank.  This is true on both of my Macs and it is true both in Camino and in Firefox.  If I view source that is blank too.

And yet other people can see it and are still commenting.


Tell me this is just GOP fundraising

Please remember the usual caveats that, if you think something I say is boneheaded, and your looking forward to voting for her, you’re still welcom to visit my church and I won’t bite or anything….

Becaue it can’t be true, can it?

Three things you can take to the bank (or your bookie) next year: the Arizona Cardinals won’t be playing in the Superbowl, Mardi Gras will be on a Tuesday, and Hillary Rodham Clinton will become the Democrat’s presidential nominee (read the rest).

Oh well. I guess it guarrantees more to talk about in the next year.

The Brazen Careerist on GTD

This is an amazing “bobo” column on why this generation of young people is earning less than the previous generation at that age. And she invokes GTD of all things:

Our dreams are tied to time. So it’s no surprise that many of the most popular blogs offer tips for time management and that “getting things done” (GTD in blog-speak) is key to a fulfilling life.

The new American dream is that we will have fulfilling work that leaves plenty of time for the other things we love. In this respect, Generation X is doing better than our parents. We are spending more time with our kids, and we are keeping our marriages together more than twice as effectively as our parents did. And Generation Y is doing better than their parents, too. They refuse to waste their time on meaningless entry level work because they value their time and their ability to grow.

OK, I love GTD (when I can find the time!), but I wonder how many children these people have that this looks like a valuable trade.  It isn’t self-evident to me how to do GTD while working mostly at home with a family of four….