Recently, at the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, I was reminded that I have faithful, appreciative readers who I have never met yet (or at least I did; I’m hoping the wonderful people I met were representative rather than exhaustive!).
Next month I’m going to Musoma, Tanzania on the shores of Lake Victoria. I volunteered as part of a team on a mission trip that will culminate in five nights of festivals with public evangelism. You can read some about it here. The overseeing organization is For His Glory Evangelistic Ministries.
I will be participating in pastoral training and open-air evangelism, as well as helping out in any way I can with logistical issues that inevitably arrive.
This will be a stretching experience. Being away from, and mostly out of contact with, my family for almost two weeks, will not be pleasant. The last time I was in Africa was on the other side of the continent way back when I was in elementary school (I was an MK). But I’ve been praying to get more ministry opportunities and God clearly led me to this one. My wife is fully supportive that I do this. I am excited at the prospect of preaching and teaching in such a different context!
I’m asking you to partner with me in this endeavor. I am also sending out snail mail appeal letters to as many as I can, but that takes time, and expense, especially since I haven’t been keeping track of physical USPS addresses for about a decade. We all have social media, after all.
While I have received great generosity, I still need to raise funds. I need at least $4k total for my own expenses in the trip, plus the mission as a whole has a great deal of support to raise. I’m trusting God this will all come together, as he has done forĀ For His Glory many times in the past as they have raised funds for overseas festivals. I would greatly appreciate any help you might give to this worthy ministry.
Please go here and click on the second link, which is for the Musoma mission. Just put my name in the donation description. Everything and anything God leads you to give will be helpful!
And, if you want to learn more about the Musoma mission, either now or especially when I come back, please contact me. Use the form below.
Also, please pray for me. The trip dates are July 19-August 1. Pray for safety, effective ministry, conversions, and for God to be with my family while I am gone. It is through your prayers that I will be able to serve.
Thank you dear friends, known and unknown. I am grateful to God for all of you.
[contact-form subject=”BLOG MUSOMA EMAIL” to=””] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /] [contact-field label=”Snail Mail” type=”text” /] [contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”true” /] [/contact-form]