Is there a reason to stay in a liberal mainline denomination where the Gospel is compromised.

I can think of only one.  I have no wisdom on how much weight to give it in the decision making process.  Here it is:

In a mainline liberal denomination you will be in a perpetual war against unbelievers who deny essential doctrines like the deity of Christ or his resurrection, etc.  But by some iron law of human depravity, all the evidence indicates that moving into an orthodox denomination means engaging in a perpetual war over petty disagreements as if the Gospel were at stake and the opposition were unbelievers.

4 thoughts on “Is there a reason to stay in a liberal mainline denomination where the Gospel is compromised.

  1. Ben G.


    Though my father, a PC(USA) minister until his death, always gave his reason as the simple fact that the Lord still had sheep in that denomination who needed shepherding.

  2. Jim Irwin

    I think the best solution to the petty theological hair-splitting is remember the great judgment and how even though we are theoretically saved, we will still have to give an account to God for every stray evil thought or word (and if we rightly evaluate ourselves, we will realize that to breathe is to sin). If we concentrate on sanctification, we won’t have time for the typical mental exercises that many seem to be preoccupied with in the Reformed Ghetto.

  3. David

    You’re right, Jim. Having been a member of a TR denomination for over two years now (my first exposure to the Reformed world), I realized recently that I’ve spent so much of my time trying to hammer out my position on every tiny doctrinal issue that I have gone absolutely nowhere with regard to Christian maturity. It’s sad but I’m glad to be back on the right track.

  4. Charles


    You’re very right.

    The only thing worse than having to pull your hair out daily because you’re a Reformed Christian in a mainline church is having to pull your hair out daily because you’re a Reformed Christian in a “death by a 1000 cuts” conservative church!


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