If McCain wasn’t so hawkish, this would persuade me

I took out the last sentence since my social theory isn’t Lutheran, but I thought the stuff below was stellar.

I also think that McCain was entirely correct on the immigration issue. Sometimes I don’t understand my fellow conservatives. Aside from immigration laws being government regulations that prevent people from seeking economic prosperity — and when did support for regulations like that become a “conservative” issue? — American is about immigrating to seek a better life. I say we should welcome everyone, provided that they are willing to join in the American project as well. Besides, I can’t help but think that the conservative anti-immigration position will do for the GOP nationally what it did for the California Republican party — move it into a permanent-minority party. McCain is absolutely right on on the immigration issue, for both principled and tactical reasons.

Finally, there’s McCain’s mixup with the religious right in the 2000 election. Whatever. The Bush campaign was playing hardball, and some Christian groups got on board with Bush. McCain got mad, and slapped them on the nose. So don’t come crying to me when you’re trying to beat up on someone and he happens to punch back. Truth be told, I find most religious-right organizations (as opposed to individual Christians who are conservative) mostly to be embarassments to Christianity.

Also, I have to say I’m wondering if I’m being unrealistic about Fred Thompson’s virtues.

One thought on “If McCain wasn’t so hawkish, this would persuade me

  1. David


    Although Senator McCain is a fellow Naval Academy grad, my distaste for him runs far deeper than his hawkishness. Actually, Naval Academy grads (President Carter) haven’t distinguished themselves in the Oval Office.

    For example, what does a Senator do when he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar (Keating 5)? If he is Senator McCain, he decides that the problem is the First Amendment (McCain-Feingold).



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