Continuing some photohistory.
My parents, my brother (or one of my nephews–you probably can’t tell at this resolution but the resemblance is striking) and me sometime in Liberia, West Africa. I’m guessing 1978. Yes, one time a taxi driver did yell out his window at us: “Overload.”
Dude, what’s with the horizontal stripes on top and the vertical on the bottom?
Mark, this had to be late 1973 soon after we arrived or possibly early 1974. By 1978 we were back in the U.S. and could not possibly have used the Vespa as a 4-passenger vehicle. Do you actually remember riding this way?
I even remember being yelled at by the taxi driver.
But for some reason I had extended the years in my head. I knew it included the bicentenniel.
Your dad’s pants are awesome!