5 thoughts on “All my Democrat sympathizing readers should ignore this post

  1. Camilo

    Hillary does identify a number of real concerns, and most people aren’t going to care whether her plan is realistic or not; no one else is talking about this basic pocketbook issue with this level of detail, and certainly not to a committed, interested group like the SEIU.

    Also, it’s easy to roll one’s eyes at the gratuitous, class-baiting swipe at insurance companies, but these companies are easy to demonize for a reason: they actually do seek to pay out as little as possible to their customers and also do other things like pay less and less to doctors each year (this, from my own doctor), while premiums go up continuously. Where’s all the money going?

  2. mark Post author

    Camilo, I hate health insurance companies. But claiming they must cover pre-existing conditions is like saying that they must give money away for free. Where are they possibly going to get the funds to pay out? Unless they are given license to print it, there is no way.

    Her entire scheme is simply impossible in many ways. I don’t care who she demonizes. Her positive proposals are about as realistic as the lyrics of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It cannot possibly work.

    And preventitive medicine. If there was a way to make that work wouldn’t insurance companies already do it?

    Let me repeat, I hate HICs. But Neither my hatred nor Clinton’s hope for office means that it is sensible to second-guess the market. She’s running for presiden, not God.

  3. Camilo

    Mark, her message is going to resonate, period. You can have all manner of fruitful discussion about whether insurance companies ought to cover this or that, but in the end voters have come to hate them so much (for whatever reason) that Hillarycare is going to sound really good to a lot of them. I don’t like this, but it’s true. And all the other Democratic candidates are going to push for a version of Hillarycare also. To counter this, Republicans have to come up with something better than “We’re staying in Iraq.” They have to say something about health care. Perhaps they are, but we’re not hearing it because the media concentrate too much on other things like the war.

    But the point is that your Democratic leaning friends, after watching the video, probably said to themselves, “This sounds really good, now we have to get some more Democratic Senators. Why is Mark so sanguine about her failing?”


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