Category Archives: Video

Another way Wall Street has been robbing you this year

Watch this video.

How has the price of gasoline affected your purchasing power in other areas?  How has it affected prices.

Again, watch the video.  Wall Street was banking (literally?) on those high prices to keep them going.  It’s not about resource depletion.  It is about speculation and a desperate attempt to keep living large.  Now that gas prices are falling, suddenly our Goldman-Sachs-ruling-class is sad.

Well, boo hoo.

It is also incredible to hear interest rates touted as the key to affordable housing.  No. Duh.  Lower prices is the key to affordable housing.

For all the talk about the “business cycle” everyone is acting like there is some way to keep inflating the bubble.  That is far scarier than a mere recession.

So who do you want to listen to about how to “do something” about it?

Schiff or the Laughers?

Peter Schiff – CNBC – Kudlow & Company – 7/2/2007

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Peter Schiff- Bulls & Bears – 12/16/2006

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What’s amazing about this is that these people actually sound more ignorant than Republicans in Congress who tried to fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Another question: Are we Melnibone?  I would think we would be too young for that…..

Not the the Ministry of Truth (MiniTru) but the OBAMA Ministry of Truth (ObaMinTru)

I live in an aspiring banana republic. They actually call themselves the Barack Obama Truth Squad, just in case you thought this was a non-partisan threat.

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But hey. I hear Sarah Palin once asked about removing some offensive books from a public library. So she’s dangerous.

UPDATE: Maybe I was too hard on my state. But I never realized how important it is to have a good governor!  My thanks to Matt Blunt for his statement.

Obama as Daniel’s 3 friends/”conservatives” as idolatrous Nebuchadnezzar and proud of it

I won’t vote for Obama, but this makes me want to:

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Do you find this video shocking? I do. I am shocked to learn there is still a statute that requires ruitual obeisance to the American flag. Didn’t the Supreme Court settle this in the flag burning controversy some years ago? Is this really the law of the land?

In any case, Obama so obviously looks like the hero in this morality show, that I can only hope this was posted by secret supporters rather than by anyone laying claim to the right wing. Ugh. How on earth can Protestants, who refuse to genuflect before the Lord’s Supper or any other object, promote this sort of civil idolatry? Arguably, this is less perverse than kissing a cross or bowing before a picture of Jesus since at least that is only a second commandment violation. But demanding ritual toward the flag is not only that, but is aimed toward something other than the true God. It is a first commandment violation. Did all those Christians in antiquity die for nothing when they refused to ritually honor Caesar’s shrine.

I can’t even begin to describe how alienated I feel from the populist opposition to liberalism. Freedom and liberty and localism have all been traded in for fevered nationalism. It is frightening.