Category Archives: offsite

Assange the rock star does not bode well

The fate of whistle-blowers and tellers of dangerous truth is rarely rock-star celebrity. Count them. Mordechai Vanunu, who exposed Israel’s nuclear program – imprisoned for nearly 20 years. Gary Webb, who exposed the CIA connection to the distribution of crack cocaine in the US – probably murdered. Russian journalist, Anna Politkovskaya, who criticized Putin’s policies in Chechnya – assassinated. Lebanese journalists Samir Qassir and Gebran Tueni, who criticized the Syrian government – killed in car bombings. In 90% of such cases, says the Committee to Protect Journalists, the killers are never brought to justice. Yet, Assange, “the most dangerous man in Cyberspace,” according to the faux-alternative magazine Rolling Stone, lives to tell the tale of his persecution from the cover of Time magazine and the podium of TED conferences, weighted down with awards and honors from such establishment worthies as Economist, New Statesman, and Amnesty International.

And now he is the center of an international man-hunt. Here too, the claims are bizarre. If Wikileaks hasn’t put lives at risk or seriously damaged “national security,” by even the government’s own account, what to make of all these feverish cries for prosecution under the espionage act, for imprisonment and torture, even for execution? Are they for real, or does any one else detect an element of theater? The Wikileaks disclosures have been called cyber-terrorism by many. When before have we seen an international man-hunt for a rag-tag band of terrorists headed up by a charismatic mystery man with a striking appearance and a personal life shrouded in mystery? Now we have Osama-bin-Assange and Al-Wikileaks at war with Joe Lieberman and Sarah Palin, on one hand, and cheered on by David Frum, on the other. Notice that Frum points out that the disclosures actually support George Bush’s rationale for invading Iraq.

This is box-office gold. As some wide-awake journalist has noted, the big winner in all this is the establishment media. Before, it had one foot in the grave. Deservedly. Now it is a “truth-teller.” Readership is up, resurrected by proxy. And the major alternative press, the foundation activists, are bolstering the conclusions of the New York Times. How convenient.

I dearly wish Julian Assange were exactly as he seems – a brilliant iconoclast delivering the death blow to imperialism. But my memory is not so dim. I remember another media circus besides the one around Osama. I recall the mass adulation of a man who exuded brilliance, youth, hope, and salvation. That was in 2008, and he was a young law professor from Chicago. How did that turn out?

via The Case Against Wikileaks – I : Veterans Today.

GOP villiany

Through DeLay, he appealed for his old party’s support to unseat the Democratic incumbent in the district next door to his old one. Instead, Republican leaders got the Democrat, Greg Laughlin, to switch parties. Paul ran anyway. He drew on a national network of newsletter subscribers, libertarian activists, gold bugs, and other believers to vastly outspend Laughlin, despite Laughlin’s access to the GOP’s national donor base. Paul’s campaign, fueled as it was by an army of small donors, prefigured the Internet campaigns that would come later. He shocked everyone by winning.

But in Washington, Paul was out of step with the times—an isolationist as neoconservatism took over his party, a sworn foe of central banking when Alan Greenspan was being celebrated as “The Oracle,” a fiscal conservative overpowered by Karl Rove’s attempt to build a lasting Republican majority by buying off key interest groups with new government benefits.

Paul’s independent streak put him at odds with a Republican leadership that ran Congress like a Tammany Hall machine and punished anyone who strayed. Paul strayed habitually. In 2003, his seniority put him in line to chair the subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve. To deny him, Republican leaders merged two committees. In 2005, he was again set to assume the top spot. With another merger impossible, a senior colleague was pressured onto the subcommittee so that she, and not Paul, would take the gavel.

via The Tea Party’s Brain – Magazine – The Atlantic.

The Covenant Promise: Our Preborn Babies Know God and Are Known by Him

They call the movements “quickening.” It means it’s the first moments when a mother can feel her baby’s movements. What a bizarre concept! A person can live inside another person. Sometimes I try to imagine I’m an alien visitor to our planet, completely unacquainted with how anything works. Try it. What would you think if someone explained to you how new people are born into the world? I think I would laugh in their face and think them mad as a hatter. People inside other people? I think it’s time to put down the sharp objects, my friend.

Yet it is so. There is a person inside, and that person has had a beating heart since he/she was the size of a pea! No, I’m not exaggerating. Don’t look at me that way.

There is a person inside. And they are known to Jesus. In fact, He has an active relationship with them right now. As David confessed, “From my mother’s womb You have been my God,” and, “You made me trust in You from my mother’s breasts.” (Ps. 22) The tiny person inside has tiny faith. Who knows what things this small person experiences and perceives, before he or she possesses even self-awareness? Before he or she can form conscious memories? John the Baptist leapt inside his mother’s womb when he heard Mary’s voice. What causes my child to leap? I don’t know. Maybe my voice. Maybe some kinds of music. Maybe something I ate. Maybe the voice of One I cannot hear, but whom he/she hears better than I.

“And a little child shall lead them…” “From the mouths of children and nursing babes You have ordained strength…”

Read the rest: Quickening « The Hinterlands.

Hoping for gridlock

It is far more likely that the Tea Party movement will end in the same way the Republican uprising of 1994 did. Recall that the new Republican majority in Congress then did not cut the budget, did not abolish agencies, did not end government regulation of anything, and did not cut taxes much less curb the power of the Fed. If this next round follows suit, the Republican elite will benefit from the energy and enthusiasm of naïve activists, but will trim and curb the anti-government agenda in the interest of “responsible governing.” The most we can hope for is a wonderful gridlock.

via The Killing and Reviving of the American Dream by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr..

Grace precedes all

To put Calvin’s later position in Pauline terms: Grace (Abraham) came first, and the law that came through Moses did not nullify the promise but was a means toward the fulfillment of the promise. Grace is prior to law not only in Israel’s history, but in “the grammar of creation. God’s grace, in covenant love, creates Adam for covenant love and then lays him under unconditional obligations, warning him of the consequences which would follow ‘if’ he transgresses these commandments.” Federal theologians generally said instead that the covenant was added to a natural Adam, an Adam possessed of the natural law but not yet a recipient of God’s covenant love. Before that happens, he must pass the test of obedience.

Read the whole post: Peter J. Leithart » Blog Archive » Trinity, Nature/Grace, FV.

Paedobaptist Propositions (from

1. The rite of baptism is God’s act by which, through His representative and the power of the Holy Spirit, He confers citizenship in His Kingdom upon the one baptized, and incorporates the person into Christ’s body, the Church. This is not done to some baptized individuals (the elect) but to all who are baptized. God’s promise in baptism is worthless if it cannot be trusted.

2. Baptized believers are covenant keepers, and baptized unbelievers (in doctrine or life) are covenant breakers. A “believer” here refers to one who simply demonstrates a credible confession of faith (in doctrine and life).

3. Baptized infants who cannot demonstrate faith as is legitimately expected of older Christians, are believers. Simply being baptized counts as a credible confession for a baby.

4. The children of baptized believers possess the right to membership in the Covenant, and their parents are under obligation to offer them to be baptized into the Church. They are God’s by right, like the tithe, because He demands that they be brought to Him. They are His by possession when they are incorporated into His Kingdom by baptism — just as the tithe is possessed by God when the tither relinquishes it to the Church (otherwise the tither has stolen from God). Thus, though baptism incorporates one into Christ, one need not fear for the salvation of babies and other believers who die before baptism can be administered. God will not be robbed of his elect by their death.

5. All covenant keepers are to be considered regenerate. Not “presumed” (which implies an unwarranted assumption), but considered — reckoned, regarded, and / or treated as — regenerate.

6. All covenant keepers are given the Holy Spirit. They may have been regenerated before they entered covenant (infants perhaps, and adults converted from unbelief almost certainly), or at their baptism (infants perhaps). Since some people do apostatize and break covenant, we know they never were truly regenerate. However, all are truly given the Holy Spirit at baptism, and either persevere in His fellowship (if truly regenerate) so that they attain to Eternal Life, or grieve the Spirit so that He departs from them and they die in their sins (if unregenerate). Furthermore, for a baptized individual who apostatizes (as a child or adult) and then is brought back by a new understanding of the Gospel, there is virtually no way to be sure when he was truly regenerated. Nor does it really need to be known.

7. All covenant keepers, infants and adults, must continue to be discipled and persevere in the faith in order to inherit Eternal Life.

8. All those who die in the covenant, have persevered by God’s grace, and thus can be assured of Eternal Life.

9. Parents of baptized babies can be assured of the eternal salvation of their infants, should untimely death befall them. They do not need to be told that, “If your infant was elect then he is in Heaven.” That tautology is a useless torment from Satan. A promise to be the God of you and those of your children of whom God decides to be the God,” is no promise at all. The promise is to us and our children. Our covenant children who die have died in the Lord. They are shown to be elected unto Eternal Life.

10. Baptized children are just as much Christians as their parents are. Both are in covenant with Christ and both must endure to the end to be saved. God is equally the God of parents and their children.


Capitalism in one lesson

Capitalism is the system where big businesses grant themselves rights and privileges individuals cannot claim. This is for the welfare of society. Capitalists always seek the welfare of society because self-interest of the part is the same as the self-interest of the whole. This is called the hidden hand. The hidden hand is not be confused with the iron fist. Which also hides. Hidden hands never use the levers of governments on their behalf. This follows because capitalists are often libertarians. When they are not socialists. Libertarians by definition believe in liberty. Hence they cannot be statists. QED. Note: Alan Greenspan and Matt Ridley are not statists because they called themselves libertarian. That makes them libertarians. QED.

via Anti-Activist Confessions… | LILA RAJIVA: The Mind-Body Politic.

It is about teaching, not boasting in knowledge

This mistake is the result of confusing the session interview with St. Peter’s interview at the Pearlies. It demands of preschoolers that they show their high school diploma as a condition for admittance into preschool. It confuses the end from the beginning, and the beginning from the end. It muddles baptism and the eschaton. It reverses the order of the Great Commission — teach them obedience to all that the Lord commanded, and then bring them in. It is theological dyslexia.

via An Interview At the Pearlies.

The Sense (or lack thereof) of Education Law

You aren’t compelled to loan your car to anyone who wants it, but you are compelled to surrender your school-age child to strangers who process children for a livelihood, even though one in every nine schoolchildren is terrified of physical harm happening to them in school, terrified with good cause; about thirty-three are murdered there every year. Your great-great-grandmother didn’t have to surrender her children. What happened?

If I demanded you give up your television to an anonymous, itinerant repairman who needed work you’d think I was crazy; if I came with a policeman who forced you to pay that repairman even after he broke your set, you would be outraged. Why are you so docile when you give up your child to a government agent called a schoolteacher?

via Bianca, You Animal, Shut Up!, by John Taylor Gatto.

Meanwhile, in California: Bill That Could Jail Parents of Truants Passes State Senate