Moscow as Intellectual Capital of North American Christendom

I guess I already knew this. But the conference with Mark Driscoll really brought it home. Between John Piper and Mark Driscoll, Nathan’s bestselling fiction, Peter Leithart’s scholarship and omni-didactionism in all sorts of Christian venues….

It is truly amazing to see.

Lots of challenges too, no doubt. But it sure stands in stark contrast to the reputation and influence of NAPARC churches–since the most vocal part is doing all it can to try to drive out Peter Leithart.

I remember noticing how insular the Protestant Reformed denomination had become and was becoming. Never realized I was seeing the future of virtually the whole Evangelical Presbyterian world.

Obviously, this sort of speculation is like trying to guess the economic future of China to the world in the next generation. But I still think it is worth mentioning.

We’ll see.

2 thoughts on “Moscow as Intellectual Capital of North American Christendom

  1. AJ

    Yes! Honest question: why do folks feel defeated by the Reformed sanhedron when there are so many vital organizations and leaders, such as the ones you mentioned, still in American Christendom? I’m as disgusted by the anti-FV venom as most sane people, but it doesn’t seem like they’re having the last word. Then again, this is easier for me to say – I don’t work in ministry. I don’t have to care what Westminster CA folks say (and I don’t).


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