Why I am a socialist

I believe that giving those with political power (i.e. they get to point guns at other people and give orders) responsibility with producing and/or distributing goods in society is a bad idea (both practically and ethically).  Rather, the responsibility should be given to society. Society, not the state (defined as the corporation formed by the people with guns), should have the power, right, and responsibility to produce and distribute goods and services.

There are basically two ways to gain wealth–the social means and the anti-social or political means. The political involves confiscation. You take from others. The social involves peaceful and voluntary cooperation. People typically trade goods and services, though other peaceful relationship such as family might not break down to as measurable a quid pro quo. Nevertheless, production and distribution are voluntary and peaceful rather than involuntary and violent.

3 thoughts on “Why I am a socialist

  1. mark Post author

    Well, that would never work peacefully. It automatically devolves into tribalism with chief and his entourage living off everyone else in the tribe.

  2. mark Post author

    And I’m not anarcho-anything as a matter of principle. I’ve just been using private law societies as a concept lately.


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