Party in the much superior and larger nation than the USA

Does God love you? Will he accept you? Will he invite you to eat and drink at His table?

There are professing Christians who are hiding sins from their pastors and others that they know they need to leave behind to enter the kingdom of heaven. People hiding mistresses or other aspects of a double life and impenitent sin are right to fear.

But the fact that their are hypocrites does not mean that normal (and yes, sinning) Christians should have doubts about this issue.

In fact, they shouldn’t even be asking the question as if it were only something to happen in the future.

The whole point of the Lord’s Supper is that God is already inviting you to eat and drink at His table. He has already accepted you. You are chewing on that acceptance with that hunk of bread. The flush of heat you feel from the alcohol as you swallow that wine is the warmth of his love for you.

(Yes, I’m including an implicit question of what sort of anemic love we are communicating with grape juice and fragments of bland soup crackers.)

God loves you every week. He’s not going to stop after you die.

(Yes, an implicit shot for weekly communion. Sorry.)

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