4 thoughts on “Guess the context

  1. Tricia

    Just because of our stage in life and so much of it revolving around um…how does one say it delicately, POOP!! I’m guessing it had to do with an encounter of aforementioned yucky stuff, whether human or canine. Sorry to be such a potty-talker on your blog!

  2. mark Post author

    You win! In this case the context is a jammed hose for vacuuming out portapotties. It was sub-zero temperature. Human excrement seems to, uh, get ultra hard and compact. The words were spoken to me as I was trying to pull the object out by hand (albeit gloved).

  3. mark Post author

    Oh, one other bit of context. I had explained the jam by saying what I thought was the case, “Someone dropped a rock into the bowl.”

  4. pentamom

    HA! I was going to guess that it came from “show me a rock.” “That’s not a rock.” I.e., the refusal to accept a piece of evidence as evidence. And then I was figuring it had something to do with someone attempting to demonstrate his belief in orthodox doctrine and the other person not accepting the profession.

    That’s from the OTHER aspect of your life that you (used to) blog about.


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