When the Left accused Bush of fascism, was it a wishful projection?

In terms of unconstitutional centralization and use of power, I have had many reasons to wish Bush had never acquired the presidency. Nevertheless, I think we’re going to miss Bush’s “fascism” when we meet the real thing: Here’s the plan for the SS and I’m sure there will be a youth division too:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Tt2yGzHfy7s" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


How can anyone who opposes Homeland Security and the Patriot Act not see where this is going?

There’s already talk about who will run in 2012. Right now I just hope there will be elections in 2012.

hat tip

7 thoughts on “When the Left accused Bush of fascism, was it a wishful projection?

  1. pentamom

    You might want to check out Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism.” Before you choke on the author’s name, understand that this is not a Hannity/Coulter style rant about “what’s wrong with all the people I disagree with” complete with outrage-making quotes and snide remarks. He fairly (though not entirely) dispassionately traces the history and tendencies of fascism and shows why there is no daylight between modern American leftism (not to mention early 20th century American liberalism) and classic fascism.

  2. mark Post author

    Yeah, I had assumed that was a FauxNews kind of thing but apparently it is a serious book.

    It just occurred to me that an organization just as well funded and powerful as the army that is really equipped to deal with security issues is “civilian” in name only. It is just another way to put the military in the domestic realm.

  3. mark Post author

    I honestly fear that could happen. This is not entirely about any political candidate, but about the economic meltdown we are in. It looks like a perfect storm.

    I’m not panicking. Just keeping my eyes open. Calling for a “civilian” domestic force is a bad idea whether we survive four years of it or not.

  4. AJ

    I agree with the vast majority of your politics, but I think this fear is unfounded. I just can’t see that happening.

    (In full disclosure: I’m biased here. I’m burned out of Lew Rockwell stuff because I feel they always predict misery and then tell each other they called it anytime anything bad happens. They did call the current economic crisis, but their authors have also called a bunch of stuff that never occurred as well. They pretty much predict constant badness, and anytime anything bad happens, they can say they called it.)

  5. TulipGirl

    I’m not as fearful. . . but I picked up the abridged Hayek “Road to Serfdom” my oldest was reading, and thumbed through it and thought, “Yes. . . this is the directions many are taking this country.”

    Bastiat and Hayek: Why I’m not voting for Obama.

  6. Kenneth Conklin

    When I saw this video, I had to wonder…did Obama forget about Homeland Security? FBI? CIA? Police officers? Civilian law enforcement? What else is he desiring, besides the Nat’l Guard, FBI, etc?


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