Another way Wall Street has been robbing you this year

Watch this video.

How has the price of gasoline affected your purchasing power in other areas?  How has it affected prices.

Again, watch the video.  Wall Street was banking (literally?) on those high prices to keep them going.  It’s not about resource depletion.  It is about speculation and a desperate attempt to keep living large.  Now that gas prices are falling, suddenly our Goldman-Sachs-ruling-class is sad.

Well, boo hoo.

It is also incredible to hear interest rates touted as the key to affordable housing.  No. Duh.  Lower prices is the key to affordable housing.

For all the talk about the “business cycle” everyone is acting like there is some way to keep inflating the bubble.  That is far scarier than a mere recession.

2 thoughts on “Another way Wall Street has been robbing you this year

  1. Jim

    Keep the scare talk coming for as long as you can, Mark. I don’t at all mind buying at prices the scaredy cats are selling at these days.

    And, oh yeah, interest rates are linked to the price of housing for most people. Duh.

  2. Mark

    “scare talk”? Did I ever threaten people with martial law unless they handed over $700 billion to my personal control and that of my appointed cronies from G-Sax?

    I think we could be over this in a couple of years or less if we’d stop trying to “save the economy” I wish you every prosperity in your investments.

    This post was about outrage over hearing propaganda about resource shortages and then, when the prices come down, hearing this is some sort of bad news for the economy.

    Huge crazy interest-only loans and other insanities have become part of the housing market because of the housing bubble. It needs to come down. Claiming the solution lies in below-market interest rates is insanely dangerous. If that is “scare talk,” laugh while you can. I doubt you’re in favor of any such thing, but that leaves me with no idea whay you are responding to.


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