We will tell you what the bill really meant and we will prosecute you for saying otherwise! We’re the Obama Goon Squad!

More descent into Banana Republic.

Here is the legislation.  It is explicitly comprehensive sex education and it is explicitly aimed at kindergartners as well as older children.  Obama voted for comprehensive sex education for kindergartners.  If it was only due to the predator issue, that’s fine.  But the legislation is not limited to that at all.

See you in court, speech police.

For Further Reading

This post is a folow-up to this one.

3 thoughts on “We will tell you what the bill really meant and we will prosecute you for saying otherwise! We’re the Obama Goon Squad!

  1. COD

    I’m really disappointed that you are falling for the Republican smear tactics on this.

    All course material and instruction in classes
    that teach sex education and discuss sexual activity or
    behavior shall be age and developmentally appropriate.

    That clause says it all. The bill covers everything that might be covered in any class K-12. At the K level, age appropriate doesn’t extend far beyond maybe the proper name for the parts, and what to do if an adult tries to touch you there.

    The bill also explicitly allows any parent to opt out. Obama has two daughters. Do you REALLY believe that he wants the schools teaching them the finer points of condom use at age 6?

    Meanwhile, Palin is allegedly considering a shotgun wedding for her knocked up daughter before 11/4 as a way to distract the voting public from her utter incompetence. You and I are more qualified to be the VP of this country than she is.

  2. mark Post author

    Chris, saying that Obama can blunt the point by explaining himself is not the same as saying that people are lying and that sheriffs and prosecutors have the right to threaten anyone who disagree with them.

    I don’t have much problem believing his own, account of his motives. I just think that we can accuse people of lying when they describe the bill as “comprehensive sex education.” And I don’t want local prosecutors involved.

    In the “discussion” on this, the media has made a distinction between lies and “stretching the truth” and said that this is a slam dunk lie. Politicians are warning about hauling people into courts.

    So if that shotgun wedding thing turns out to be a lie should you be prosecuted? Is that at all American?

  3. COD

    If I understand correctly, MO has somewhat stringent laws regarding ethics as it related to political advertising, and Obama is smartly using those laws to hold McCain accountable for his campaign tactics. And that is a descent into a banana republic? You gotta start spending less time on the right wing blogs.

    It may be a bogus law but using to your advantage is just smart politics. I’d love to have a gentile and civil debate about the future of the US in this campaign. Instead Obama spends his time trying to convince rednecks that he isn’t a Muslim plant from Al Queda, and McCain spends his time trying to convince us that he searched the conservative world long and hard and Palin was the most qualified candidate he could find.


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