Obama as Daniel’s 3 friends/”conservatives” as idolatrous Nebuchadnezzar and proud of it

I won’t vote for Obama, but this makes me want to:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/121kclEcEKU" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]


Do you find this video shocking? I do. I am shocked to learn there is still a statute that requires ruitual obeisance to the American flag. Didn’t the Supreme Court settle this in the flag burning controversy some years ago? Is this really the law of the land?

In any case, Obama so obviously looks like the hero in this morality show, that I can only hope this was posted by secret supporters rather than by anyone laying claim to the right wing. Ugh. How on earth can Protestants, who refuse to genuflect before the Lord’s Supper or any other object, promote this sort of civil idolatry? Arguably, this is less perverse than kissing a cross or bowing before a picture of Jesus since at least that is only a second commandment violation. But demanding ritual toward the flag is not only that, but is aimed toward something other than the true God. It is a first commandment violation. Did all those Christians in antiquity die for nothing when they refused to ritually honor Caesar’s shrine.

I can’t even begin to describe how alienated I feel from the populist opposition to liberalism. Freedom and liberty and localism have all been traded in for fevered nationalism. It is frightening.

4 thoughts on “Obama as Daniel’s 3 friends/”conservatives” as idolatrous Nebuchadnezzar and proud of it

  1. Heidi Baker

    I see some difference between the christians’ dilemma in the Roman empire and the problem you refer to here.

    Ceasar was flat out demanding to be worshiped as a god, not just as a symbol of the great earthly institution that was the Roman empire. The flag is plainly stated to be a symbol of the great earthly institution that is the United States of America, and just as plainly not as a deity of any kind. I myself say the pledge and am reminded each time of my personal responsibilities to this country. I will gladly render to ceasar so long as caesar does not try to take what isn’t his – my devotion to and relationship with the Lord.

    So far this nation hasn’t given me personally any hassle regarding my faith, but has instead allowed me to practice it and to share it with others freely. It also recognizes my right to think and communicate on anything provided my communication does not lead to depriving another of his rights.

    Also, Obama is trying to become the Chief Executive Officer of the United States of America. As we’ve seen through the years, a CEO who doesn’t respect the organization he’s in charge of will likely run it into the ground. While I agree that he has every right to not pledge in the accepted manner, I also think not doing so makes him seem disrespectful of the nation symbolized by the flag, and thus, to some extent, of we the people.

    If nothing else, I don’t think it was the brightest thing to do while campaigning for president!

  2. mark Post author

    Welcome to the blog, Heidi. Leaving aside the Pledge and ritual issue, I want to point out that no one can deny that Obama is bright. No one gets where he is without being smart. (Yes he was lucky too, but there is luck and then there is capitalizing on one’s good fortune.)

    So here’s the deal: Why would a man who wants to be president and whose ambition no one can deny do something so damaging to himself. The only answer I have is that he has convictions and he has decided to follow them no matter what the consequences.

    I don’t want him as president; I’m just saying.

  3. garver

    I wouldn’t read too much into this one way or another with regard to Obama.

    He wasn’t “refusing” to salute the flag. He’s led the Pledge in Congress and has saluted the flag on other occasions. (See this YouTube video, for instance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIyBwkuqF4E ). So the video here doesn’t represent any kind of principled stance on his part, as far as I can see. So, he’s not one of Daniel’s 3 friends. It looks to me like Obama was just absorbed in giving his attention to the singer rather than putting on a show of patriotism.

    As for the US Code, it should be noted that the rule quoted in the video above comes from the section on “Patriotic and National Observances.” It applies to events like Veterans Day observations or Fourth of July parades. The event in the video was a 17 Sept 07 steak fry in Indianola, Iowa hosted by Senator Tom Harkin, so wouldn’t fall under that section of the Code. Besides, if the Code did apply, Bill Richardson and Hillary are in violation too since they are not “facing the flag.”

    FWIW, which ain’t much.


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