Because he doesn’t need to be a candidate to be worth watching and hearing

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Link for those who can’t see the video

My personal hope is that Bush is letting the Iran stuff drag on just as a favor to the oil industry to make sure they have a place for him when he leaves office.  He can’t possibly want to an another undeclared war, can he?

2 thoughts on “Because he doesn’t need to be a candidate to be worth watching and hearing

  1. Jim Irwin

    I really like Ron Paul, but why wouldn’t he disavow the KKK money that was donated to his campaign?

    I may like other politicians also, but as soon as the stain of racism appears, I have to turn away.

    I hope Mrs. Obama disavows her attitude against Jews before the election.

    Our pagan nation sure needs prayer.

  2. COD

    I believe Paul said that:

    1) He had no right to tell any citizen that they could not donate to his campaign.

    2) If he gave it back it might be used for more nefarious purposes. At least with the campaign donation you knew where it was, so to speak.

    Personally, I liked his attitude and don’t like the faux reprehension when a politician disavows an interest group that donated. How do we know some worse group isn’t anteing up to get the politician to disavow the original interest group?


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