Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

In the pilot episode the show has a Robot head make it through the time shift even as it leaves the travelers without any clothes left.

How can I respect a show that has no respect for its fundamental premise?

5 thoughts on “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

  1. Jandy

    Well, the cyborgs can obviously go through the time shifts; otherwise, there’s no story. The lack of other items being able to go through does present more difficulty, I guess; it can’t just be set to let organics go through, because then the cyborgs couldn’t, right? So it might’ve made more sense to allow clothes and stuff to go through, but that would create issues if they traveled very far, because the stuff would be incongruous and cause extra problems. Maybe only sentient things can go through? I’m not sure how that would work, either…

    I didn’t care for the pilot too much, but the next couple of episodes are getting better. I wish Summer Glau’s character wasn’t so much River-redux, though. I can’t even remember her name; I just keep calling her River.

  2. mark Post author

    Yes, but a huge deal was made of the explanation in the first movie (while I was in high school): the cyborgs are clothed in human flesh. Then can make it that way.

    (That is why it bothered me that the Terminator in the pilot episode cut a conventional pistol out of his thigh.)

  3. Jandy

    Oh, gotcha. I haven’t seen the first one in forever, and I didn’t really like it that much, so I don’t remember it very well. I liked Judgment Day better. That’s definitely annoying, then.

  4. Todd

    But did the cyborg head really go through the time shift? Wasn’t it simply buried in the rubble for several years?


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