Is there a more brilliant movie than the Incredibles?

Thankfully, my youngest daughter now wants to watch it. So I get to.

All the lessons I learned in a dark way from Frank Miller (and more) are taught with bright optimism (that doesn’t come across as escapist).

The world exiles its heroes and hates them.

The world will use the sins of heroes against them to cover for the world’s hatred of their virtues and gifts.

Situations will arise where, “Doubt is a luxury we can’t afford right now.”

Scanning for information in order to re-live the glory days is just pathetic.

Learn to come in second place, but a close second. Save your real talents for the time when they are necessary.

If everyone is “super” then no one is. (The same thing is said about “special,” but that depends in what sense the word is being used. I think there is something special about everyone.)

You have more power than you know.

“What will you do?” Is this a question? Remember who you are. Go confront the problem.

6 thoughts on “Is there a more brilliant movie than the Incredibles?

  1. Ben G.

    Couldn’t agree more. I love that Brad Bird has been collaborating with Pixar, and I hope that keeps going.

    I suppose Ratatouille was quite a bit more slight in terms of commentary, though O’Toole’s monologue on the work of the critic was pretty sharp. I hope there’s more to come.

  2. Andrew

    I thought another good (and maybe more obvious, which is why you left it out) message of the movie centered on the importance of all members of a family working together to meet a common need.

    Interestingly enough, this was the same reason I liked “Little Miss Sunshine”.

  3. Jandy

    And also, “don’t have a cape in your costume.”

    But yes, The Incredibles is amazing on every level; you point out many ideological lessons, but it’s just as incredible cinematically and in its use/suversion of superhero tropes and genre conventions.


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