3 thoughts on “Wedgeworth on Piper

  1. Beyond Words

    It’s nitpicking commentary like this that makes me wonder if anyone is really a Christian at all. If justification and faith and grace are such forensic nightmares to understand, then we’re all doomed. I don’t agree with Piper on a lot of things, but I’ll extend him some grace in the point he was trying to get across. Maybe I’m missing something, but the difference between what Wedgeworth is saying and what Piper is saying is like counting how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

  2. Steven W

    I think its pretty huge actually, and there’s some significant history behind it too. Atonement, decree, Christ, definition of faith, and gospel all playing into the mix.

  3. Steven W

    We need to start talking about Christ’s expiation being infinite and thus our ability to say he is for people prior to their ability to come to him. That’s when they need to hear it after all.


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