Found guilty of being American in Nicaragua while a crime was taking place somewhere in Nicaragua

Please go watch this video.

I recorded this in my links this morning (which will appear later tonight as a blog post), but I think this needs more attention.

Mob hysteria is a rush, probably as pleasurable as sex to most people. The job of the court system is to check it. But all too often (and by no means only in Nicaragua) the justice “system” simply acts to authorize the mob and silence those who would speak against it by claiming that justice has been served (yes, I have been meditating about this a lot recently, but at least I don’t have to be worried about being thrown into an unsanitary hole to rot for thirty years). In this case, the mob will not permit an utter lack of evidence, nor a boatload of counter-evidence, to prevent them from taking this opportunity to destroy a gringo.

I have no idea what the US government should do or can do. But I hope it can be galvanized to do everything possible. Time is ticking.

One thought on “Found guilty of being American in Nicaragua while a crime was taking place somewhere in Nicaragua

  1. Nuptze

    Perhaps some of the Evangelical groups that are active in Nicaragua can support a grass roots appeal. Nicas are more respectful of religion than most gringos.


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