More game writing discovery

Sort of continued from this.

I heard the name, “Mark Laidlaw” in correlation with some sci-fi short stories, perhaps during cyberpunk’s quarter-hour of fame.

Now I realize I have experienced more of his work than I knew:

Mark Laidlaw, it turns out, was the major force behind Half-Life, the best first-person shooter, period. (bios: wikipedia; moby games).

So what this means is that Mark is a major source of the main reason I sometimes long for a well-working PC.

6 thoughts on “More game writing discovery

  1. Jandy

    I’ve never liked Half-Life. I bought it several years ago, and played maybe the first couple of levels…you know, until those little crab things start jumping at your face? I HATE those critters. And I’m generally not a fan of anything that has zombie-like creatures. So no Half-Life for me. My vote for best game ever? Deus Ex. You got first-person shooter action, you got role-playing elements (but nothing too hard-core), you got multiple ways of accomplishing EVERYTHING, you got conspiracy theory, you got multiple endings, and you got NO ZOMBIES. 🙂 Dang, I need to play it again…

  2. mark Post author

    Odd, I thought you were a Resident Evil fan.

    Never played Deus Ex. But I don’t suppose they adapted it for the Mac.

    You have a few levels of zombies, but the real fun begins when you go up against the special forces units sent in to exterminate all witnesses.

  3. mark Post author

    OK, it is on my wishlist.

    BTW, since you’re not sure what you’ll be doing after grad school yet, I thought you should consider this career possibility.

  4. Jandy

    Sorry, I have been neglecting to check on my comments on other blogs. I’m not a Resident Evil fan. I’ve never played any of the games. I have seen the movies, and didn’t HATE them, but that’s because I really like Milla Jovovich and am willing to tolerate the zombies for her sake. So, Half Life turns into non-zombies after a few levels? I might give it another try, then…I still have it around here somewhere.

    Deus Ex is a several years old now, but I haven’t yet found another game that balances FPS and RPG elements so perfectly to my liking. And what career possibility is that? Game design? :p


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