Does Santa think I’ve been naughty or nice?

The iPage or really, the Sony eReader is here. At least I just saw a write-up in the Popular Science my son brought home from school. Here is a press release. It apparaently uses little or no power while displaying a page. It uses some sort of ink on the screen and only needs power when changing the display.

It’s not yet available, but it looks like it is almost ready. (Take a look at that iTunes– uh, I mean, Sony Reader store!) Beside the proprietary software for books the device will also display text files and pdfs. I can’t tell if their proprietary software and/or their hardware will allow for comic books.

Even if not: utterly awesome. I want one!

PS. Since I’m a Presbyterian Santa jokes are cool.

2 thoughts on “Does Santa think I’ve been naughty or nice?

  1. JJM

    Sorry, Mark, but I think this eReader will be a flop. People don’t want to read books on a screen. There’s no real benefit to it. It can’t function as a computer. It has no WIFI functionality, and if it did, what use would it be? It doesn’t (can’t) have games so you can take a break by switching to Tetris. So what if it holds thousands of books. I can only read one at a time. It’ll be fragile. You can’t let it slide off your bed at night if you fall asleep reading with it. You can’t cram it in your backpack like a paperback without worrying about it getting scratched. You can’t throw it in the back seat of your car when you go out. The thing is completely impractical and will be a colossal failure from the get go. How’s that for some positive, uplifting thoughts for the day. 😉


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