
Despite having much to do, I took some time to clean up a couple of Theologia essays: The Covenant of Works, the Mosaic Covenant, & the Necessity of Obedience for Salvation in the Day of Judgment and The Westminster Standards & Sacramental Efficacy.

Both probably need more work. The fact is I find it extremely difficult to proof my own material (believe it or not, I sometimes actually make money proof reading the work of others. If you notice any needs for further corrections or clarifications, please let me know.

Also, what are the rules for numbering different versions? What’s the difference between 1.2 and 2? And what about 1.1; should that come first or is it the assumed number of the original paper?

3 thoughts on “Busy

  1. Jason

    Hey, your parenthetical comment never comes to an end. Who do you think you are, the Apostle Paul? 🙂

    I look forward to reading the essays.


  2. Rabbi Saul

    Unless you expect to revise dozens of times, I would say: just say “version 2” if you do a pretty major revision. If you want to note smaller updates, though, your original would be 1.0, not 1.1.

    Maybe I should keep better track of revisions myself. I tinker and don’t make any note of it.


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