Politics and Press in the PCA

Not many people seem to be aware that Frank Thielman published a widely acclaimed book, Paul & the Law, which deals with the so-called “New Perspective.” Dr. Thielman is a scholar in the PCA who has attracted positive attention from such people as Richard Hays of Duke University.

So why haven’t more people heard of his book in our present context both in the my denomination and the Evangelical subculture at large? It is quite careful, scholarly, faithful, and fair. I notice he gets mentioned in some bibliographies but never quoted in any real way. Instead, assurances are given that he has not written the last word. Thielman is an interesting person in the PCA. He is apolitical in the best sense of the word. He is also has nothing to do with the so-called “Federal Vision” in relationship, interest, or theological proclivity. One would think he would be considered a must-read.

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