Peter Leithart on his non-dualist Zwinglianism

Dr. Leithart writes:

An aside: Some are suspicious of my baptismal views because they think they tend toward Rome. I have always thought they actually tend in the opposite direction, toward Zwingli. There’s no “magic” in my baptismal views; in some senses, my view of baptism is very “immanent.” Baptism‟s efficacy is like the efficacy of an ordination, a circumcision, an inauguration to the Presidency. Baptism’s chief effect is to unite the baptized to the visible church, and to give the baptized a position in that community. Where I differ from Zwingli(ans) is in my understanding of what that visible church is. Baptism differs from the entry rite of the Masons because, and insofar as, the church differs from the Lodge. I would be happy to accept the label “non-dualist Zwinglian” (though that might amount to a “non-Zwinglian Zwinglian”).

via Getting Leithart (edited) – Mark Horne. (Thank you, C. J. Bowen!)

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