Joel Garver takes on the PCA committee report on FV/NPP

“some concerns”

Here are a three extracts. First, on the New Perspecive on Paul:

The report concludes this section asserting that “Needless to say” the NPP “stands in stark contrast to the confessional formulation of these themes” (2209:26-27). One might argue, however, that the contrast in question is more an artifact of the report’s own presentation of the NPP than it is of the actual materials in question.

Second, on Peter Leithart:

In none of the texts cited, however, does Leithart “collapse” or “confuse” categories or doctrines. To say that God’s justifying verdict of right-standing before the divine court takes the form of deliverance, is to say that God performs a single act (being raised with Christ) that has both legal/forensic and transformative dimensions or aspects. Yet that is not to say that the transformative is the basis for the forensic. Nor does it mean that the various aspects cannot be properly distinguished. Neither does it discount that “justification” refers to the forensic and “sanctification” to the transformative. The report’s criticism does not appear warranted by the evidence cited.

Third, on the Federal Vision:

The report seems to put less than fully charitable constructions upon FV discussions of the covenants, covenant faithfulness, and election. In so doing, it suggests that FV proponents collapse the covenants of works and grace into a univocal notion of “covenant” and its conditions, that they propose our good works are part of the grounds of our standing before God, and that they hold to an Arminian understanding of election.

None of these suggestions, however, appear to bear up under scrutiny. By presenting FV views in this manner, the report could have the practical effect of sullying the reputation of Reformed pastors and writers who hold to the teaching of our Standards and yet have some sympathies with FV views. Moreover, the report, if embraced by the PCA, could make it difficult for any PCA theologian or scholar to engage in creative exploration of these biblical themes without immediately arousing mistrust.

One thought on “Joel Garver takes on the PCA committee report on FV/NPP

  1. Pingback: More Garver on PCAGA-FV-NPP Issues at Mark Horne

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