I thought I had Rev. Ramsey on my feed reader…

But apparently not.

So guess what?  According to Sinclair Ferguson, Wright is popular among Evangelicals in part because:

“He has strongly defended Trinitarian and Christological orthodoxies.” See minute 51 of this lecture.

And according to John Davenant, “one of four English delegates to the Synod of Dort, and whose commentary on Colossians was recently republished by the Banner of Truth Trust (A Treatise on Justification, pp. 299-302)”:

“Some good works are necessary to justification, as concurrent or preliminary conditions; although they are not necessary as efficient or meritorious causes.”

“Good works are necessary for retaining and preserving a state of justification, not as causes, which by themselves effect or merit this preservation, but as means or conditions, without which God will not preserve in men the grace of justification.”

“Good works are necessary to the salvation of the justified by a necessity of order, not of causality; or more plainly, as the way appointed to eternal life, not as the meritorious cause of eternal life.”


Apparently, the different editions of the Augsburg Confession contain significant variations. One particular edition, quoted in Peter Hall’s The Harmony of Protestant Confessions (and cited by Dabney in his article, The Moral Effects of a Free Justification) begins Article 6 on new obedience thus:

“Also they teach, that, when we are reconciled by faith, the righteousness of good works, which God hath commanded, must follow of necessity: even as Christ hath also enjoined, ‘If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.’ Matt. xix. 17…”

I’m glad Barb linked him today!

One thought on “I thought I had Rev. Ramsey on my feed reader…

  1. Barb

    It’s refreshing to find someone who, even though he has significant disagreements with NTW, is willing to defend Wright against unjust accusations. This is a nearly lost virtue in our current climate.


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