Category Archives: humor

“Church Marketing Sucks” asks a good question

Online entertainment has been taking the world by storm. Homestar Runner. Ask a Ninja. lonelygirl15. ZeFrank. For the most part these were projects started by small groups of people with small amounts of money. They are media empires on shoestring budgets. They can be created by folks in their pajamas and they have incredible impact.

While watching Ask a Ninja co-founder Kent Nichols talk about his rules for success in this new entertianment world in a video from Pop!Tech, I wondered where the church is in this new online entertainment phenomenon.

Hat Tip

This really intrigues me.  I have been looking down on Vlogs and rambling podcasts because I consider it inately superior to ramble in print.  But what if it was done well.  Truthfully, I think an entertaining and funny video podcast that unbelievers would watch would  do far more good than all the apologetist blogs put together.

Hey Jon, you’re already vlogging, so maybe you could recruit some people.  We obviously have some talent available as is plain in this liturgical training video