16 thoughts on “This is not working out

  1. Josh L

    I’m with Paul. Any way you can keep all the content up? Plenty of helpful stuff on here–I’ve starred a lot of posts on my Google reader.

  2. Daniel

    I just wanted to add that I read this blog. I’ve gotten a lot out of it over the years and I hope you keep it.

  3. Anna

    This is one of only three blogs that I read weekly. I will very much miss it. I am sorry it is not working for you right now, but it has been an immense benefit to me in the past years.

  4. Andrew Isker

    I hope that it will be working out sometime soon. Though we have never met face-to-face, you have been a major influence in my political/economic/theological thinking. You may not know it at all, but the things you have written on this blog have an impact beyond what you might ever know Mr. Horne.

    Thank you, and I hope that you will continue to write in some capacity, and begin blogging again soon.

  5. pentamom

    Mark, I get that you need to take an indefinite break for important reasons.

    But as others have said on here and on FB, please don’t shut the site down. Ask a trusted friend to change your password if the temptation is an issue.

  6. Matthew


    I really enjoy this portion of your site and would encourage you to please, at a minimum leave your past content up. And I trust that regardless this will in no way impact your “theologia” site? That should NEVER be taken down!


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