I know we’re supposed to pay but that doesn’t change the definition of theft

Our country has a bad habit of locking up non-violent, first-time criminal offenders. Some people are dangerous and should be put in prison for a long, long time. Then there are people who effectively steal from the government for not paying their taxes. The later should be fined, forced to pay the back taxes, sentenced to community service, or something of the sort.

via The REAL reason Wesley Snipes shouldn’t go to prison.

For the record, I think the Bible commands us repeatedly, when dealing with tyrants, not to resort to individual tax resistance. So, as a model for Christian behavior, Snipes is simply wrong.

But there is nothing in the Bible that requires me to be blind to the fact that a powerful armed corporation is threatening and taking other people’s money. Referring to the those who refuse to submit to this process as “people who effectively steal from the government” makes my eyes water.

And while I very much agree with the post’s perspective on prisons, I don’t think what is happening to Snipes is part of a generic social blindness. Even if we were more sane in other areas, I think the Federal Government is always going to demand prison for tax resistors–even though it could easily confiscate the money plus a heavy penalty that would deter others.

People who don’t pay must be singled out and tormented. The majesty of the state demands no less.

Again, I’m not approving of Snipes’ behavior. I think he has brought this on himself and is being something of a fool. He could have paid his taxes and used his money and reputation to far better use in resisting the state. This was a lost opportunity.

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