4 thoughts on “A great event in the Bible that we Evangelicals know never really happened but which is there to deceive the superstitious

  1. pentamom

    I once knew an OP pastor who refused to lay hands on for ordination of church officers, believing that to do so, “promoted superposition.” This is the sort of thing that defeats the stereotype of OP’s being sticklers for confessionalism and church law — some of them are quite a bit more flexible when it comes to confessional or book of order conflicts with Klinean, hyper-Puritan, or (Southern) American Presbyterian distinctives or mentalities.

  2. mark Post author

    Ha! I am SO not surprised. That “flexibility” is of course an ongoing experience in my own ecclesiastical adventures. But I’d never actually encountered anything so extreme.

  3. Pingback: Yet another great sentence Paul never wrote at Mark Horne

  4. pentamom

    And it’s superstition, of course, not superposition. Amazing Firefox spellchecker doesn’t recognize “biblically” or “testamental” but knows superposition.


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