I think Libs have convinced themselves that if Palin doesn’t believe in human-caused global warming, it must be true.

“Yes, she manages to write about the climate change action in Congress without ever mentioning the reason we are doing this in the first place,” Mr. Kerry wrote. “It’s like complaining about the cost of repairing a roof without factoring in the leaks destroying your home.”

via Kerry Spars With Palin Over Climate – Green Inc. Blog – NYTimes.com.

Because it isn’t true, Kerry.  Palin’s silence is less significant than your refusing to mention you want the world to to be forced into permanant third-world poverty in order to get the average global temperature in 2050 to (maybe and, in my opinion, unlikely) get half a degree lower.

One thought on “I think Libs have convinced themselves that if Palin doesn’t believe in human-caused global warming, it must be true.

  1. pentamom

    I don’t even understand Kerry’s last sentence. If you repair the roof, the leaks stop. If by “factoring the leaks” he means you have to grimly discuss the reality of the leaks with the roofing contractor before he puts the new roof on to show that you understand the gravity of the situation and why you have to spend the money, that’s just more meaningless Kerryesque posturing. It doesn’t change either your process of replacing the roof, or the outcome.

    Maybe his analogy was just bad — maybe he meant to say that it’s like complaining about the cost of repairing your walls without ever considering the roof leaks causing it. But in that case, he’s susceptible to being judged as completely incompetent and ignorant by the same measure everyone uses on Sarah Palin.


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