Monthly Archives: March 2009

The Obama Gateway Regime: Winning Through Intimidation

So I’m minding my own business cleaning portapotties this morning in the freezing rain, and I decide to listen to 97.1 FM when I’m in the truck.  It was pretty early this morning so I was listening to Randy Tobler.  Randy had as his guest Josh Carter.  Josh had the temerity to get an attorney to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for records from Governor Jay Nixon (including videotape) of any meeting concerning MIAC.

He says he filed this request at about 10 AM, also sending notices to the mainstream media.  By 3pm he had heard from friends that local law enforcement and FBI investigators had visited his friends and were questioning them about Josh’s political convictions and religous beliefs.  As far as he knows thus far, seven of his friends were questioned.  He has reason to believe they found out who his friends are by pulling phone records.

If this all gets confirmed, don’ t make the mistake of thinking that we are exposing something Jay Nixon doesn’t want us to know about.  If it happened, the whole point is to let us know that we are in Obama country now and that we’d better watch out.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is (in a sense) a Republication of the Covenant of Works

Of course it also surpasses and replaces it.  All I’m about to say below simply boils down the fact that Jesus is the New Adam.

When Jesus created Adam and Eve ….

(We know from Scripture that the person Adam and Eve interacted with most directly was the second person of the Trinity and we have every reason to believe from the context of Genesis to Judges that “Elohim” designates a human-like theophany.  Adam came to consciousness receiving mouth to nose resuscitation.)

So, as I was saying, when Jesus created Adam and Eve, he created them in a relationship with himself–a relationship called a covenant.  Even though this word is not used explicitly, we know that this is what happened because when Scripture clearly shows the establishment of new relationships that are supposed to hearken back to this first one, we see him using just this word.  Genesis 8-9, for instance, show Noah as a new Adam and declare this relationship to be a covenant.  (Another argument could be that the renewal and/or establishments of new covenants are treated as the beginnings of new creations, while the breaking of a covenant is described as the end of creation.  But I’m not going to pursue that line of argumentation right now).

Adam and Eve were commanded to be fruitful and obedient.  Their disobedience is described as unbelief–a lack of faith in God and his Word.  They were commanded to spread over the globe.

When Jesus comes he is explicitly declared a new Adam, a “son of God,” in Luke’s use of the term (Luke 3.21-38).  (“Son” can be a title that can imply the full doctrine of the Second Person of the Trinity, but not always).

Jesus is a new Adam in a New Covenant which is a New Creation. But as a New Creation, it republishes much of what was originally given.

For example:

  • Adam and Eve were commanded to be fruitful and so are believers (John 15).
  • Adam and Eve were warned of death if they departed from the original covenant and death and worse will result for those who depart from the New Covenant.
  • Adam and Eve were told to subdue the earth and the members of the New Covenant are commanded to bring the nations into obedience to Christ (Matthew 28.18-20).
  • Adam and Eve were supposed to continue in obedence and obedience to Jesus is emphasized in the New Covenant (Matthew 28.18-20).
  • Conversion to the New Covenant can be and is in Scripture described as a positive response to a call to New Obedience (for example, Romans 6.17).

A lot more could be listed.

Of course, one reason why some readers of the NT may miss this relationship is that there is a lot explicitly said about the Gospel as a new and better covenant along the lines of God’s covenant through Moses.  The Church is compared with the Temple and the Tabernacle, for example.  But this is not a contradictory line.  I the Biblical History, God’s covenant with Moses was a repulication, a re-creation, of the original covenant with Adam.  Indeed, the Tabernacle is a new sanctuary along the lines of the Garden of Eden.  In fact, the whole Mosaic system which establishes a special sanctuary of a special land in the world is a recovery (as well as glorification) of the geography laid out for us in Genesis 2.

Of course, while I haven’t listed all the points of continuity, neither have I pointed out all the differences. The main one would be that, before sin, there was no need for a covenant that provided forgiveness.  For Adam and Eve faith resulted in sinless obedience.  That’s not the case with us, though faith does mean, and the New Covenant does required, a changed life.

Interested in the Bible? Buy Mark’s books!

The Victory According to Mark: An Exposition of the Second Gospel

The Victory According to Mark: An Exposition of the Second Gospel

Why Baptize Babies: An Explanation for the Theology and Practice of the Reformed Churches

Why Baptize Babies: An Explanation for the Theology and Practice of the Reformed Churches

Michael gets the bird from the pseudo-reformed zealots

I have done my best to try to demonstrate that there are aspects of the “New Perspective of Paul” that those of the Reformed faith can appropriate without losing their way. I’ve also been critical of the New Perspective (if you don’t believe me then ask Tom Wright or Jimmy Dunn who see me as a sympathetic critic). But I’ve recently learnt that much of this conversation is immensely futile.

Read the rest: Euangelion: The Skunk Doth Speakth.

It is 2009 and Michael only recently learned this?  He has been blessed by God more than he knows.

Economic considerations that Christians should think about.

We are not, we pray, on the verge of another Great Depression. Still, we see signs of economic failure all around us. Stores in the strip malls we drive past every day advertise “going out of business” sales. Those of us who are pastors know church members who have lost jobs, and we weekly see the faces of others who fear that the next pink slip belongs to them.

Some Christians, on the Left and on the Right, would tell us that economic matters are of paramount concern right now. They would assert that we’ve no time for the “luxury” of “culture war” discussions about “abstinence” or divorce or “gender roles” or other such matters. Instead, they tell us, we should concentrate on tax cuts or economic stimulus projects or Wall Street bailouts or home ownership.

They’re wrong.

Read the rest: Touchstone Archives: Love, Sex & Mammon.

The Telegraph posts an excellent review of and introduction to the great writer of “hard boiled” detective fiction,” Raymond Chandler

When Raymond Chandler began to write for pulp magazines in the Thirties, he planned from the first to smuggle something like literature into them.

Most of these magazines hooked their readers with a mixture of sex and violence – “they have juxtaposed the steely automatic and the frilly panty and found that it pays off”, wrote S J Perelman. But Chandler wanted to do more than titillate: he had designs on his audience’s subconscious. He planned to sneak into his stories a quality which readers “would not shy off from, perhaps not even know was there … but which would somehow distill through their minds and leave an afterglow.”

Read the rest: Raymond Chandler’s novels under the magnifying glass – Telegraph.

John Donne knew that politicians never wasted emergencies

If, as in water stirr’d more circles be
Produced by one, love such additions take,
Those like so many spheres but one heaven make,
For they are all concentric unto thee;
And though each spring do add to love new heat,

As princes do in times of action get
New taxes, and remit them not in peace,

No winter shall abate this spring’s increase.

via John Donne: Love’s Growth.

From the New York Times: “‘Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,’ Mr. Emanuel said in an interview on Sunday. ‘They are opportunities to do big things.'”

And so the wild reclaims us

City Council President Jim Ananich said the idea has been on his radar for years.

The city is getting smaller and should downsize its services accordingly by asking people to leave sparsely populated areas, he said.

“It’s going to happen whether we like it or not,” he said. “We’d have to be creative about it, but it’s something worth looking into. We’re not there yet, but it could definitely happen.”

Flint resident Derrick Young, 39, doesn’t think people in his West Austin Avenue neighborhood would bow too easily to such a request.

“We (are) all family over here,” he said. “We all stick together.”

Even in neighborhoods where more homes are vacant than occupied, Young, who rents, said the city shouldn’t interfere.

“They shouldn’t be so hard on people, just because they live in a bad area,” he said. “They should find more ways to fix it up and rent it out.”

The concept of “shrinking cities” isn’t new to urban areas similar to Flint.

Last year, the city of Youngstown, Ohio, proposed incentives to encourage people to move out of nearly empty blocks and relocate to more populated areas closer to the heart of the city. Some people were offered upward of $50,000, according to news reports.

The idea was to shut down entire streets and bulldoze abandoned properties so the city could discontinue services such as police patrols and street lighting, according to a CNN report.

via Off-the-cuff suggestion prompts discussion on what to do with abandoned neighborhoods in Flint – Flint News – The Latest News, Blogs, Photos & Videos – .

The Geithner/Obama Confidence Game

Mish runs one of my favorite economic blogs, but today he actually agree with Paul Krugman three times!  He links a lot of intelligent analysis of Geithner’s plan that you should go read.  Then he concludes.

There have been a lot of intelligent comments by Yves Smith, CalculatedRisk, and Krugman. So far no one has said what I think the plan is: a gigantic confidence game.

This is similar in nature to fraudulent schemes that promise “what’s inside the bag is worth $1 million, unless you open the bag”.

In this case there may be a few “good bags” similar in nature to salting the mine schemes, but for the most part everyone knows what’s in the bag is toxic garbage. What really makes no sense whatsoever is why the government would risk 97% with shared “upside” instead of just buying it all.

Somehow, Geithner (and Obama by implication) believes that igniting a bidding war between hedge funds and private equity over a bag of cow manure will inspire confidence that there’s gold in the bag. Such insanity cannot possibly work, which means it won’t.

via Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis: Geithner’s Plan, a Gigantic Confidence Game.

It seems that everyone is dedicated to continuing to pretend that we are in “a liquidity cricis.”  But the problem is not liquidity.  The promise is solvency.  These “assets” were always liabilities once the bubble popped.  There is nothing the government can do about it except make sure the bets of the rich and powerful are covererd by the lower classes.