3 thoughts on “Under the bus

  1. COD

    So, Fox news is reporting the assertions of anonymous McCain staffers, and somehow this the the fault of the Obama campaign and the liberal media?

    Of course the McCain staff is going to throw her under the bus. They all want jobs next campaign season, so they need to make sure the blame doesn’t stick to them.

    The really sad part is how easy it is to believe that she doesn’t know that Africa is a continent and not a country. McCain, Biden, and Obama are are smart and get the benefit of the doubt for the occasional verbal gaffe brought on by weariness and stress. She never earned that initial trust.

  2. mark Post author

    You are totally right about the source of this Chris. But I think it is more than just the staffers. There is probably a wing of the GOP that wants vindication as well. But it had pretty much nothing to do with Obama/Biden. I simply shot from the hip without considering all the facts.

    But I’m not about to believe every leaked story–any more than the stuff about censored libraries and billed rape kits. She deserves trust in what she has done: clean house with established GOP corruptocrats. I hope she does it again for many more years in Alaska.


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