Degrading perspecuity

It is no surprise, given the size and complexity of the Bible, that when you have read it all repeatedly you will be in a position to correct people who come to premature conclusions about what a certain passage is saying when they have not taken the time to read the rest.

It is simply common sense that one should make sure one has wide exposure to Scripture before insisting on a particular meaning for a particular part of it.

Still, the doctrine of the perspecuity of Scripture (the clarity of Scripture) as commonly abused is actually a dogma that the Bible is unclear and a license to attack others for daring to appeal to the wrong passage of Scripture. It sets up a standard of truth that is outside of Scripture and above Scripture–a list of texts that one is permitted to believe and use. Go outside of this, and you will often find that the very fact you appeal to the allegedly unclear verse is enough to rule you out of bounds. No other counterargument from Scripture is offered.

This isn’t a God-honoring way to use Scripture. When used in the service of truth, it gives the truth the appearance of being a lie.

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