A CEO writes on six steps you should take when tempted to write an angry email

  1. Cool down
  2. Talk it out
  3. Write a[n unsent] response
  4. Do your homework
  5. Schedule a meeting
  6. Admit your mistakes

My favorite quotation from the post was attributed to John Eldredge as a paraphrase:

It’s easy to be brave when you are sitting in the safety of your own office. You can hurl digital spears at your adversaries without without the risk of a real, live encounter.

The post goes into a great deal of detail and explains each of the six steps. It was written by Michael Hyatt of Thomas Nelson Publishers under the title, “Stop: Don’t Send That Angry Email!

I’d like to think I’ve learned the lesson, but then I think a similar one could be posted as “Stop: Don’t Post That Angry Comment!” The main differences are that comments are public and they usually involve situations you don’t even need to face. We actually surf looking for provocation.

4 thoughts on “A CEO writes on six steps you should take when tempted to write an angry email

  1. Steve Krager

    Good advice. There’s been a couple times that I’ve been talked out of writing an email, and I am very thankful I was. While obviously there can be problems in face to face conflict, there seems to be much less opportunity for miscommunication than through email.

  2. Jeff Meyers

    What a crock! You are unbelievably stupid, Horne. What kind of idiot blogs about this? Well, obviously dunces like you. I hate your blog. It’s full of lies. Who do you think you are? Why did I ever visit this sorry excuse for an intelligent website? Surely not to read anything remotely useful! Forget you.


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