Three plus infinity cheers for Reformation Day

We celebrate Reformation Day because Reformation Day is important.

But we also celebrate Reformation Day that it may be important. Always important.

What would we be if we did not mention Reformation Day?

If Reformation Day were not kept, then people might not remember that the history of Western Europe is more important than any other history.

If Reformation Day were not kept, then all we would have are teachings from the Bible that any Christian might own as their own, whether they were from China or West Africa.

If Reformation Day were not kept, the memory of Western Civilization might fade, and the Church might be left with the Bible and their own cultural heritages, as if they could ever be as important as Europe in the 1500s.

If Reformation Day were not kept, then people might think that, had Luther not posted his theses, that some other shmoe would have found himself at the center of a similar controversy the next week, or the next day.

If Reformation Day were not kept, how would we know who we are? We would merely be Christians who believed the Bible, not the glorious tribe that we are with our holy founders (all tribes worship their ancestors) our sacred songs and magic places (we don’t make pilgrimages to Rome; we try to go do grad work in Scotland and weep with pleasure to hear a preacher with a brogue).

Being a Reformed believer without Reformation Day would be like being a Presbyterian without ten generations of Presbyterians in our lineage to glory in.

One can never say enough good things about Reformation Day.

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