First rock concert

Well, thanks to Jon Barlow, I was able to take my older three to see Harry and the Potters. The library had wireless, and, because my printer has been jinxed by some dark wizard, I actually had Calvin hold my laptop on his, yes, lap in the car, and read the directions from the saved mapquest web page. He did a great job. But the point is that it was tempting to blog live and try to be as cool as Joel. But I figured there was no point. Seeing the Potters is far cooler than some Independence Day thing, live blogging or no.

By the way, those of you familiar with the Rowling canon know that the wizards and witches occasionally shed their robes and hide their wands and walk among us muggles trying to pass as the same. I would say half the people at this concert were from the wizarding world. How do I know? Just read Rowling’s description of how magical-types actually dress when they’re trying to look like muggles, and you will know.

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