Dealing with attacks

The leaders in Jerusalem killed Jesus with the support of the mob. You would think that the Apostles would be rather upset about this, and sometimes they show they were. But they also do something quite different:

And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers.

Brothers, brothers, sometimes become zealous without knowledge. It happens. And those on the persecuted side start attributing all sorts of hardness to them. In the book of Acts we learn in the case of something much more essential than our own squabbles that some did prove themselves hardened in sin. But also many responded to the Apostolic preaching and to their willingness to treat their sin lightly, as a sin of ignorance, by becoming obedient to the faith.

How much more then should we think the best of those who we believe have misrepresented us in various battles of church politics?

People make mistakes and react in a zeal that is not according to knowledge. Happens all the time. How many times have I done it? I’m afraid to find out. Once the madness passes we need to simply reestablish fraternal relationships and get on with the ministry of the Gospel.

Hatches are for burial grounds.

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