As long as we are all getting confessional…

In Nineteen-EIGHTY-seven, or thereabouts, my hair was longer than Mark’s (in 77 I was barely ten, so I couldn’t compete then).

I’m not posting pictures. Bad enough I have to explain to my children why Daddy’s left ear has a couple of holes in it.

4 thoughts on “As long as we are all getting confessional…

  1. Paul

    Mark’s never got THAT long, but he was pretty scary looking in 1987. The constant heavy metal soundtrack didn’t diminish his scaritude either.

  2. Mark Traphagen

    This is Mark (the one with picture included).

    My long hair back then, I’m convinced, got me stopped by an Indiana state trooper for no reason that he would tell me (I was doing well under the speed limit). He proceeded to tear my car apart, to his frustration finding nothing more subversive than the case of Bibles I was carrying to a rescue mission in St. Louis. Guess it was a good thing it wasn’t the Soviet Union!


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