Italians Can Sing!

Today in church, one of our members, who happens to be a nice German woman, sang a beautiful solo. While she was singing, Calvin leaned over and said to me, “I know why she can sing so well.” I said, “Yeah. Why?” He said, “All Italians can sing.” I then told him that this particular lady is German. He said, “Well, Germans, too.” We believe Calvin is basing his theory of all Italians singing well on our listening to opera singer Andrea Bocelli in the car. It really takes very little for a 7-year-old to become an expert on many topics, including apparently, music.

3 thoughts on “Italians Can Sing!”

  1. We love Andrea Bocelli! As a matter of fact, we went to see him in concert in Chicago for our 10th wedding anniv. Romanza is my favorite cd.

  2. This is great…thanks for sharing it. While I will vouch for the fact that Italians do happen to be great lovers of good music, the sad truth is that not all of them can sing (including several who are a part of my own extended family!). Nevertheless, I am very tickled by Calvin’s insight. He is too hilarious!! 🙂

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