Remembering Susan

I believe many of you who read this blog also visit Dishnet and so you likely already know that a week ago today Susan Dishman “soared to heaven above”. How glad I am that her earthly sufferings are over and that she is now in glory, in the very presence of God and experiencing eternity. Yet I ache for her family and friends who miss her and feel a huge sense of loss at her parting. The way she lived her life is a huge encouragement and example to me and I count myself immensely blessed to have known her. If you think of it in the days, weeks and months ahead, please remember to pray for her family and those who were closest to her, especially her dear husband John, that he and all of them will be comforted in their time of sorrow. And if you haven’t already, stop by and read John’s beautiful eulogy to his beloved wife. Praise God for this sweet and faithful family.

Comedians and Dictators

Wow. An oddly fun diversion: Guess the Dictator or Television Sit-Com Character (thanks to Jon for the link). It asks you a long string of yes/no questions and then spouts off regarding its superiority.

I win again! You are player number 330 to have chosen Doug Hefernan from King of Queens. I knew you were Doug Hefernan from King of Queens from the start, but I strung you along for a while to make it seem more sporting. I hope that one day you will overcome the powerful sense of humiliation that you now feel. Until then, good luck.

Yet Another Blog!

It is with great pleasure that we introduce another blog to you. Our good friends, the Clemmons, have joined our group in Cyberspace and we are very excited! Doubtless you have heard them referenced many times on our blog: Steph is a wonderful friend and another Mommy Swap Buddy. Our kids are all very good chums (little British term there!). David is both a friend and co-worker of Jay’s. We look forward to hearing their thoughts, musings and goings-on! Welcome, Friends Clemmons!! 🙂

A Belated Welcome

It occurs to me that I have grossly erred in neglecting to officially announce the addition of a wonderful new blog to the offerings in cyberspace. Please allow me to introduce my youngest sibling, Andrew (aka Andy or Uncle Andy around our house). Today happens to be his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!

My relationship with Andrew has always been a bit different than my interactions w/my sister and other brother, partly by virtue of the fact that there is quite a large span of years between our ages. He is nine years younger and I honestly cannot remember ever really “fighting” with Andrew in the way that siblings typically do. I clearly remember his arrival in our family and felt, at the ripe and experienced age of nine, that I was sort of a second little mommy to him. I dearly loved helping care for him as a baby and young child and thought he was the sweetest little guy in the world. As we grew older I very much enjoyed the ability to take him on “movie dates” and such since I could drive while he was still in elementary school.

These days we have long talks both in person and via phone which are very precious to me and which keep me in tune with the life of a college student and young single guy, something I don’t have quite as much interaction with as I used to. He puts things in perspective for me sometimes, as he tends to be more laid back than I. And he is a great and very fun uncle to our children, besides being in general just a very likeable, friendly guy. I am very thankful for the blessing Andy is in my life as well as the life of our family.

I anticipate that his blog will be a fun, fresh read for many of us, and I am thrilled he has begun this new venture. So, enjoy, everyone! (I will add that his page is currently down but should be operational again shortly.)

A Tribute

I saw this on Valerie’s blog and wanted to dedicate it to my sister, Sandy, who knows firsthand how rough retail can be during the holidays. Hang in there Sandy!! ( Valerie, thanks for the song!)

It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go —
People snarling at the clerks
And acting like total jerks
‘Til you’d really like to tell ’em where to go!
It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas
As they shrilly fill the store.
You will never a sweet sound hear,
‘Til your own dear home appears
And you slam the door!

Steve Camp on Chevrolet Worship

Steve Camp has written an open letter to the church regarding the Chevrolet sponsored Come Together & Worship tour that is probably worth a read (link courtesy Scarecrow).

I am concerned that there exists in CCM today a pervasive growing attitude of unteachableness, unaccountability, and a lack of submissiveness to the Word of God and the authority of the local church. It seems today that anyone who challenges the CCM industry as to its current practices and alliances according to the standard of God’s Word is labeled as divisive, condemning, and unloving. While those that are constantly operating outside of the purview of God’s Word are labeled as innovative, visionary, and kind? Tolerance is not a spiritual gift; it is the distinguishing mark of postmodernism; and sadly, it has permeated the very fiber of Christianity. Why is it that those who have no biblical convictions or theology to govern and direct their actions are tolerated and the standard or truth of God’s Word rightly divided and applied is dismissed as extreme opinion or legalism?

Sola WCF

Exhibit A

Since the Westminster Standards include the most accurate statement of the Gospel yet put into confessional form, the bulletin writer implies that one can believe the Gospel and be a fake.

Exhibit B

Any ridiculing of the Westminster Standards as being a Greek and Hellenistic, and therefore inadequate, interpretation of the Bible is ridiculing of Biblical Christianity in it purest human expression.

Exhibit C

Vatican II, On Divine Revelation, Section 9: Therefore both sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture are to be accepted and venerated with the same sense of loyalty and reverence.

It appears to me as though the circle has closed. Those who view themselves as the strongest advocates of the Reformation have circled back around and turned sola scriptura on its head.

Jackson 5

Michael Jackson pictureMichael Jackson pictureMichael Jackson pictureMichael Jackson pictureMichael Jackson picture
Five faces, that is. What a great summary of a truly bizarre chapter in pop culture. I’m sure this tells us something very significant about our society, but I think I would prefer to remain ignorant for the time being.